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You can get in touch with me for the drum. You can also get in touch with me on any issue regarding waste management.
To keep the system alive and going we need co-operation from every single member/resident.
The first few steps we take shall lead to a clean green environment .
PS: Any suggestions welcome . If you know of more techniques to reduce plastic do e-mail to us and we shall put it on the blog
This is about a movement called 'One Million Bulbs' started in USA. .Throws light(!)on how we all ,if some of us have'nt already, can contribute.
Monday, 20 November 2006
How It Started
Like most people, I'm generally concerned about the environment and the issue of global warming. However, the problem of global warming seems so big. It's natural for one to ask: what can I do about it? Most people give up and do nothing. Unfortunately, most leaders and policymakers do the same even though mainstream climate change experts are warning that something must be done--soon.
On a Sunday night in mid July, half-asleep after putting our kids to bed, I heard an expert on a documentary hosted by Tom Brokaw say that if each household in the US changed one standard incandescent light bulb to an energy-efficient compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulb, the result would be equivalent to removing millions of greenhouse-gas-emitting cars from the road. That one data point cut through the fog of my tiredness.
The next morning, I wanted to know more. Had I misheard something? Is it really the case that the combined effect of millions of people changing a light bulb would be equivalent removing millions of cars from the road?
After further research, I was convinced that it is true. Furthermore, I learned that CFL bulbs have another important benefit: they save money. Although the up-front cost of a CFL bulb is higher than a standard bulb, they last up to ten times longer and they consume approximately 65-76% less electricity than a standard bulb, all while producing the same amount of light.
So, one can save money and do good for the environment by changing a few light bulbs. What could be easier? If only more people knew about this, I thought. A short time later, an idea started to form in my mind. The idea was to create a website that would educate people about the benefits of CFL bulbs and organize a campaign to get lots of people to change some light bulbs. is the result of that idea. The name of the site captures the goal. Our goal is to get millions of people all over the world to replace a few standard incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient CFL bulbs. To be sure, the goal is ambitious. Perhaps absurdly so. And yet, the stakes are high. Something must be done.
Are you wondering what you can do about the problem of global warming? has an answer: replace some standard incandescent light bulbs with some energy-efficient CFL light bulbs. Your simple, concrete action will save you money and will be good for the environment.
Beyond replacing a few light bulbs, participate in the grand experiment. Tell your friends and family about If you have a blog, mention us. If you write for a school newspaper, encourage others check out If you have a website, use some of our free promotional tools on your site.
With enough participation, we can change the world, one light bulb at a time.
Posted by Brian @ 10:12 PM
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